稽古日報 06/12/03

From here on is nothing to do with karate, just a bunch of drunks having a good time. Let's see what state Justin was in!
Our very own karaoke brothers! Tsutsui san said that they are like father and son, but we don't think so. They are older brother and younger brother having a good time!
But there is also another brother it seems. Justin must be the third, because he has another brother, Matsuo san. Matsuo san joined our party for the first time and really took to Justin, even declaring 'Justin is the best!'
Not only can he sing, but he can also dance. Wherever he goes he makes people happy. He is no ordinary person, but someone who is enjoying life to the fullest and knows how to get a party going!
The girls at the party. The two Japanese girls meeting Justin for the first time were a little suprised I think. Heather was keeping him on a tight rein though to stop him getting out of hand. She even went as far to say that she is his mother. Justin really does have a lot of family in Matsue.
And the 3rd party....On the way we called in at a convenience store, where Justin for some reason was taking photos with the staff. He was quite drunk but was lively as ever! Myself and Tsutsui san left around 2 am, but everyone else stayed partying away until around 4 am. We are all looking forward to the next time we can go drinking with Justin. It is always so much fun!

