稽古日報 05/06/25

稽古内容は、暑いので軽めの準備体操、その場の基本、移動稽古、ミット打ちで小休止。今日のミット打ちでは前蹴りをやりましたが、慣れていない方は一発蹴りを入れた後、きちんと前屈立ちに戻る前に蹴ってしてしまい、次第に体勢 が崩れてくるので、その辺りを注意しながらの練習となりました。みなさん色々個性があって面白いです。「この人は大人しそうな人なのに、ホントは結構激しい性格なんだなぁ。。。」等と、なにげにその人の性格が出てきますね。このミット打ちは!
Today was Matsue's hottest day of the year so far. Training in this heat were 8 children and 12 adults. Because it was so hot, we started with a light warm-up followed by basics and bag practice. We practiced front kicks on the bags, but those who weren't used to this practice didn't return to the correct front stance after kicking and lost form. We focussed on this point while practicing.
It was so hot, that after that everyone was sweating and needed to take a rest. We then split into our different levels an practiced basics, sparring and kata, before the children finished at 7:40.
Today the Izumo branch member trained and practiced the kata Heian Yondan. He has only begun to learn the kata recently and was told to just try to remember the moves, but he was able to move past that and practice the finer points of the kata. After that, the members who will take their 3rd Dan grading in November received instruction from Takahashi sensei in the kata Kanku Dai.The other students did their own practice until 8:30, after which we practiced 5 step sparring and punching from kiba dachi stance before finishing.
準備体操。暑い時期は軽目にします。 前蹴りの稽古。最初の内はバランスを保つのが難しのですが沢山練習をすれば上手になります。軸足がポイントです。
A light warm-up Practicing the front kick. It's difficult to maintain balance at first but gets easier the more you practice.
基本一本組手中段No.2。外受けから騎馬立ちでの猿臂ですが、腰の高さが少し高いようです。 三本組手。大分様になってきました。
Practicing 1-step sparring chudan no.2 Practicing 3-step sparring

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