稽古日報 05/07/02

The rain finally came today, bringing with it landslides and flooding in the prefecture and affecting the transport system. Today we couldn't use the judo hall, kendo hall or nearby gymnasium so we used the training room at the Budokan. Because the training area is so small and because the adults grading is getting closer, the children didn't train today, although the children who had already arrived were allowed to train, so there were a total of 11 adults and 1 child.
We started with a light warm-up followed by basics and practicing punches and kicks from a free-style stance, before a short rest. The people who are taking their grading practiced for the test, while the others did their own training led by the advanced students.
The yellow and white belt students will also be taking their grading along with the members who will be taking their third dan. The yellow and white belts practiced kata, sparring and basics, focussing on back stance and the knife hand block. Everyone practiced to try to get a feel for the movements.
The members who will take thier 3rd dan practiced at their own pace, and were able to concentrate on their own training, time for which is usually short with all the teaching they usually do.
To finish, we all practiced hitting the pads and punching from kiba dachi. It was a tough training session due to the heat and lack of space but we all got a lot out of it.
最初の小休止の様子。この時点でみなさん滝のような汗をかいています。今日は本当に暑い! 後屈立ちを指導中。後屈立ちは指導するのも、されるのも難しい立ち方です。
The first break. Judging from this picture it really was hot! Practicing backstance
型の中の技の解説。技の意味を知ると型の稽古も楽しみが増しますね。 昇段審査に向けての稽古をする人、高校の大会に向けて稽古をする人。一緒に稽古をしてお互いを高め合います。
Demonstrating the meaning behind the moves of the kata. Practcing for the grading and the high school tournament.

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