稽古日報 05/03/12



Today Matsue was freezing! What's happened to all that warm weather we've been having recently..? Anyway, today we couldn't use the Budokan so we trained in a nearby gymnasium instead, and only for half the usual training time, as after training we held a (little early!) Sayonara Party for O-san who will return to Korea next month.
Altogether there were 24 participants - 7 children and 17 adults. Today's practice consisted of a warm-up, static basics practice (a little different from ususal), moving basics practice and a short rest. We then split into our respective levels to practice basics, kata and kumite, and then it was time for the children's practice to finish.
The members who are working towards their 3rd Dan and 2nd Dan received instruction from Takahashi sensei on the grading syllabus. At the end, we all practiced punching from horse-stance, changing into front-stance, followed by reverse punch then knife-hand block in back stance.
After training, everyone then went to a nearby bar/restaurant for O-san's Sayonara Party. It was a good chance for us to chat with the members who have joined recently. Although a Sayonara Party has been held, everyone is looking forward to training with O-san until the end of this month.
少年部。何をしているのでしょうか?楽しそうですね。 青年部と少年部合同での組手のようです。
What are they doing I wonder? Looks like fun! The adults and children practicing kumite together.
青年部の五本組手。焦らずにしっかり受けましょう。 参段の審査を受けられるみなさん。型の稽古です。
Practicing 5-step sparring. Practicing kata for the 3rd dan grading.
呉さんの送別会の模様。呉さんは韓国のソウル出身なのにとても寒がりです。ソウルより松江の方が寒いと言っていましたが、本当なのでしょうか? 半年後にソウルへ呉さんを訪ねるツアーを組むという案が提出され可決されました。私つもりが幹事だそうです。まだパスポートも持っていないのに・・・。でも楽しそうですね。
O-san's Sayonara Party. O-san is from Seoul so she feels the cold. According to her, Matsue is colder than Seoul...Is that true I wonder? It's been decided. In 6 months we will take a tour and visit O-san in Seoul. Tsumori san will organize everything, but first he needs to get a passport!

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