稽古日報 05/04/02

It's April- the time of the year when a lot of people's lives change and become stressful. What better way is there to alleviate stress than to practice karate!
The construction work at the Budokan has finally finished so at last we were able to return to our 'home training ground.' Altogether there were 19 participants - 9 children and 10 adults. We started off with a 25 minute warm-up. It takes about that amount of time to be completely warmed up, but there are some children who get a little bored half way through.....
We then spent 10 minutes practicing basics. Recently the basics practice has had a kind of sparring feel to it, and today we practiced a punch similar to the boxing jab. We then took a short rest and split into our different levels to practice basics, kata and sparring. Today Tsumori sensei taught the children above blue belt who are training for the competition. However, in that class there are children who have tournament experience and others who have never done free sparring, so training them is rather difficult. Among other things they practiced stepping and bag work for about 30 minutes before finishing.
The children found the bag work fun compared to the ususal basics practice and it was interesting to see each childs personality come out when doing this kind of practice. That is something that is difficult to see when they are silently taking instruction from the teacher and practicing basics.
After the children had gone home, the adults then went on to practice individually. There are 3 people taking their 3rd dan this year and they will be training really hard up until the grading.
We then practiced 5-step sparring (front kick) then punching from kiba-dachi before finishing.
組手の稽古。まずは足の動き、立ち方をマスターしましょう。 自由一本組手。この後の自由組手の稽古でこの二人から上段突きを山程喰らう私でありました。メンホー付けていても痛いです。
Sparring practice. First you have to master the stances. Practicing free one step sparring before free-style sparring.
審査に向けて型の稽古。黙々と平安二段。 こちらは抜塞大の稽古。型は稽古をしていないとすぐに忘れてしまいます。稽古、稽古、稽古。
Practicing kata for the grading. This one is Heian Nidan. This kata is called Kanku Dai. If you don't practice kata you soon forget them. Practice, practice, practice....

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