稽古日報 05/04/09

Today at trainng there were 21 participants - 10 children and 11 adults. Training consisted of a warm-up, basics practice and a short rest. We then split into our different levels to continue training. The children who will participate in the Kinkitaikai tournament in May did competition training, while everyone else did basics, sparring and kata. Only two of the children entered the tournament last time, but this time 5 are entering. Last time 3 adults entered but this time there are only 2. Is a shift in generations creeping up on us I wonder? We hope that the children (and adult!) who are entering the tounament for the first time make a good debut. They all trained very hard, finishing 10 minutes late.
As last week, the adults received instruction from Takahashi Sensei in the practical aspects of the kata 'Jutte', defending against bo (the stick) attacks. While practcing I felt that if faced with an opponent wielding a stick or a knife of some sort then unless you either have a lot of room or have no choice but to fight, then the best thing to do is run! After training this got me thinking, if one was in a position where they had no choice but to fight, would the pressure generated from oneself in turn put pressure on the opponent?
少年部組手の稽古。まだ組手に慣れていないですね。 こちらもまだ動きがぎこちないです。稽古あるのみですね。
Practicing sparring. Here too. It's all about practice
青年部の基本一本組手の稽古。 青年部五本組手の稽古。
Practicing kihon ippon Practicing 5-step sparring

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