稽古日報 05/04/16

As we couldn't use the Budokan, we trained in the local gymnasium instead. There were 20 participants - 9 children and 11 adults. Training consisted of a warm up, basics practice, and then we split into our different levels after a short rest. Tsusui san trained the yellow belt children in what was a little different from what they are used to. Tsumori sensei had to lead some others in training so unfortunately there aren't any photos of their training. The children who will enter the tournament next month did competition training, while the adults who will be taking their grading next week trainined hard. The children's class finished at 7:40, after which the adults focussed on their training for their respective gradings. Tsumori sensei and Aoki sensei practiced freestyle sparring, which resulted in Tsumori sensei being lightly injured by a foot sweep to the shin. They were told by Takahashi sensei to calm it down a little and go at 10% of full power as there is still time before the actual test and they should think about their ages. This was particulary useful advice for Tsumori sensei who considers himself to still be young..
We finished by practicing 5 step sparring and punching from kiba dachi. Good luck to all who will take their gradings next week!
基本一本組手上段No.4の左です。左右逆になると一瞬訳が解らなくなりますね。 青木指導員の型の稽古の模様。カメラを向けると撮影用にポーズをとって下さいました。顔が微妙に笑っています。
Basic 1 step sparring Jodan no.4 from the left. Changing right and left sides can be confusing. Aoki sensei practicing kata. He's actually posing for the camera here.
来週審査を受ける皆さん。カメラを向けても真剣です。 稽古終了後に紫帯の息子さんに指導を受けるお父さん。良い親子ですね。
The people who will be taking their gradings next week. After training a father receives training advice from his purple belt son.

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