稽古日報 05/04/23

Today there were 17 participants - 5 children and 12 adults. Recently the number of children training has been decreasing. As usual, today's practice consisted of a warm-up, basic kicking and punching practice and a short rest. Afer that, the adult white belt and yellow belt students had their grading for their next belts. Everyone else either taught the children or practiced by themselves. The children who will participate in the tournament next month continued their tournament training. As it is now less than a month until the tournament the teachers are training them hard, but from the sidelines it sometimes looks like the children are playing it a little bit cool. It's important to try to bring out the best in them without shouting, something we will need to work on. Everyone who took their gradings displayed a great effort and all could progress to the next belt. We will all continue to encourage them in their next level.
ワンツーの練習。ニ回目の大会出場予定。前回よりもいい成績を収められるか? 今回初出場予定。クールな中に情熱を秘めている選手です。
Preparing for his second tournament - practicing the 1-2. Training for his first tournament.
昇級審査の一コマ。五本組手は普段の稽古通り出来れば問題ないのですが・・・さて上手く出来たでしょうか? 昇級審査もう一コマ。画像右手は既に審査を終えてホット一息の白帯四人衆。皆さんお疲れ様でした。
5-step sparring during the grading. Yellow belt grading, with the white belts in the right of the picture taking a rest.

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