稽古日報 05/05/07

Today Matsue was quite cloudy and cold. It's been 2 weeks since we last trained, as last week we had a break for Golden Week. We trained in the local gymnasium today as the Budokan was still closed. Today there were 18 participants - 8 children and 10 adults. After the warm up and some basics practice the results of last week's grading were announced.
We then split into our different levels, with the children who will enter the tournament continuing with their training, and the other children concentrating on basics and kata. The adults who have just passed their grading practised in their separate groups and the black belts worked on their grading syllabus for their next belt, practicing basics, kata and sparring. We then finished up with 2 sets of 5- step sparring and practicing punches in kiba-dachi stance.
少年部の子供達。平安二段の練習でしょうか?一人だけ隣のライバル(?)に向かって手刀受けをしているようです。 少年部大会出場の選手達。体格では高橋支部長に負けていません。
The children practicing the kata Heian Nidan. Practicing for the tournament.
昇段審査に向けて稽古中のヘザーさん。不動立ちの稽古のようです。 審査を終えて皆無事昇級を果たしました。おめでとうございます!
Practicing fudo-dachi stance. Congratulations to everyone who passed their grading!

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