稽古日報 05/05/21,22

As today was the day before the tournament, for which we would have to leave Matsue very early, our training started at 4pm and ended at 5:30pm. There were a total of 10 participants - 4 children and 6 adults. After the warm up we practiced basics, a little lighter than usual, after which the competitors did some last-minute fine tuning of techniques while everybody else practiced the usual basics, sparring and kata.
Some of the children who will participate in the tournament showed an unusual level of concentration and dilligence, so much so that as instructors we were left wishing that they would practice like that all the time.....
So, how did everyone get on in the tournament...
今日の稽古は柔道場が使用出来なかったので、隣の剣道場での稽古となりましたが、大会会場は板の間ですので丁度良かったです。 移動の前蹴りの稽古。今日は開始時間が早かったせいか参加者は少なかったですね。
We couldn't train on the mats today so had to practice in the Kendo training area. It's the same floor as the tournament arena, so that was just right. Practicing the front kick. Today's practice was earlier than usual so not many people could train.
青年部の三本組手。上段・中段・前蹴りの攻撃と防御を稽古。 大会の向けて最終調整。
Practicing 3 step sparring. Last minute practice before the tournament.
At last the day of the tournament arrived. We all met at 4am, and were asked by a passing police patrol car what we were doing. We left in hurry (although we had no reason to be running away). We arrived after around 4 hours and the competitors started to look a little nervous, especially those making their debut. Tsumori san, who was making his debut as a referee was also quite nervous.
Junior high school student Yoshimatsu san did very well and finished 2nd in his category, unfortunately the other children didn't reach the final although they tried very hard. Misawa san, who has only been training for 7 months did very well in the adult kata category, beating black belts to reach the final where she finished 5th. That was certainly a great acheivement. Everyone gained a lot of experience from the tournament, and seeing the level of competitors from other schools will surely motivate them for the next tournament.
中学生組手の部第二位の吉松君。 一般型の部出場の三沢さん。初出場で第五位は立派!
Yoshimatsu in the Junior high school sparring match.
Misawa san competing in the kata event.

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