稽古日報 05/05/28

A total of 18 people trained today - 8 children and 10 adults. As usual training consisted of a warm-up and basics, and then we split into our different levels to practice basics, sparring and kata. Half way through, Takahashi sensei led the brown and black belts through the kata 'Jion'. After the children had finishd their training, the students above 8th grade practiced 3 step sparring and the kata Heian Nidan, 6th grade and above students practiced Heian Sandan and the black belts gave instruction and practiced for their next grading.
The children and adults above green belt usually train together, but I have noticed that the children haven't yet mastered the basics properly. From next week we have to think about the best way to train them, either having them train by themselves or with the adults of the respective levels. We only have training once a week so we have to think about the most effective way to train.
少年部黄帯の少年。逆突きの稽古。この時期から繰り返し、繰り返し稽古すれば基本もしっかり身に付くのですが・・・。 少年部橙帯の少女達。移動しながらの逆突きの稽古。
Practicing reverse punch. Practicing reverse punch while stepping.
青年部白・黄帯の型の稽古。平安二段ですね。 昇級おめでとう。先日の大会で活躍した三沢さんです。
Practicing Heian Nidan. Congratuations on passing your grading. Misawa san who competed in the tournament.

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