稽古日報 05/06/04

Today there were a total of 22 participants training today - 10 children and 12 adults. Recently numbers have been rising, last week a new student started and this week there were 2 new students. As usual we started with a warm up then basics practice, after which we practiced hitting the pads. We then split into our different levels to practice basics, sparring and kata. We focussed on basic punching and reverse punches with the white belts training together with the black belts. Watching the children train, we could see a definite improvement in their technique. The training was quite tough for the white and yellow belt students and they could be overheard saying that they were going to be aching the next day. We took another short rest, after which the children practiced kata and the adults practiced kumite. The children then finished at 7:50. The adults then continued to practice, with the white and yellow belts learning self defence techniques from Takahashi sensei. The techniques they were learning involved twisting out of wrist locks, techniques that don't require much power, making them very useful especially for women. After that they then practiced the kata Heian Nidan. The black belts continued practcing the kata 'Jion' as last week, and then practiced defending against head height round-house kicks. Training finished after some 5 step sparring, punching in kiba dachi stance and light stretching.
まず説明受けながらをしながらお手本をみせてもらって・・・ 自分達でやってみます。両手で握られても一瞬でこのとおり!
Takahashi sensei explaining the technique. Trying out the techniques. It even works against a double grip!
こちらも両手で握られていたのがスパッと軽く外れました。 こちらは上段蹴りを受ける稽古。まずは腕を足替わりにしての稽古から始めます。次に正座した状態で相手の蹴りを受けます。
Here too - the grip is easy to get out of. Practicing defense against a round-house kick, first practicing against the arms.

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