稽古日報 05/07/23

Today 19 students trained, 9 children and 10 adults. Training consisted of a warm up, basics, pad work and a short rest. Although it wasn't so hot outside once we started training we were soon sweating.
After the break, the results of the grading last week were announced and everyone received their new belts. We then spilt into our different levels to continue training. Tsumori sensei has recently been teaching 2 children who have just joined. Although they are still only elementary school students they are able to concetrate and train hard. They are also very polite to the teacher too.
Their training focussed on basics - straight punching and reverse punching, and the first half of the kata 'Heian Shodan' and they were soon able to punch well. After the children went home at 7:40, the adults continued to train, with the people who have just graded practicing Kihon Ippon Kumite. Up to now, they have only had to move in a straight line when attacking and blocking, but now they have to learn to move left, right and diagonally. After that, everyone practiced kata by themselves. We then finished with 5 step sparring and punching from kiba dachi.
少年部型の稽古。平安二段です。元気の良いこの5人を指導するのはかなりやりがいがあります。 青年部移動稽古。進級された皆さんも回し蹴りにトライ!初めてなのになかなか上手です。
The children practicing Heian Nidan. Practicing mawashi geri for the first time. They all did very well.
基本一本中段No.2。まずは動きに馴染みましょう。細かい事はそれからですね。 昇級されました。おめでとうございます!!
Kihon Ippon Chudan No 2 Congratualtions! The people who passed their grading.

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