稽古日報 05/08/20

To all the Matsue branch training report fans across the world (are there any I wonder..?), sorry to have kept you waiting 2 weeks for a new report. Today there were 19 participants - 7 children and 12 adults. Training consisted of a warm-up, kicking practice on the mitts, followed by a short rest. We then split into our different levels, with some of the children and adults working on their grading syllabus for the grading the week after next. The training focussed on kata and sparring. The children then finished at 7:30.
Soon the summer holidays are about to finish and no doubt homework will be piling up. So the children can do thier homework in the evening while it is cool, Takahashi sensei has decided to hold training in the afternoon next week. They have to make sure they don't fall asleep early after training in the afternoon heat however!
The adults continued training, concentrating on fixing small points for the grading in autumn. Tsumori san received instruction from Takahashi sensei in the kata Kanku Sho. There is now less than 3 months to the grading, so we must practice hard, however it's so humid! We sweat so much it's like being in a sauna. Practicing a kata just once is exhausting, so today's training session was good for training mental strength. We finished with everyone practicing 5 step sparring then punching from kiba dachi stance.
Next week training will be in the afternoon and then the week after we will go drinking after training.
To increase the student numbers at the branch, perhaps we could start training on a weekday. I hope to talk about this when we go drinking the week after next. (To all the peolpe reading this and interested in this site, if you have any requests or comments please post them on the board or send a mail!)
少年部を教える青年部の方達。教えるのも勉強になりますね。私はしょっちゅう型を忘れてしまい、逆に子供に教わることがあります(はずかしい!)。 再来週審査を受ける三人娘。後屈立ちはもっと腰を低く落とそう。
Teaching the children is also good study. The three girls practicing for their grading the week after next.
青年部基本一本組手。かなり決まってきました。しかし、支部長の指導のもと、何度も繰り返し稽古されていました。暑い中お疲れさま! 今年の国際松濤館空手道連盟のTシャツです。毎年デザインが変わります。どうでしょう?カッコイイですか?
Practicing basic one step sparring. This year's SKIF T-shirt. The design changes every year. What do you think?

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