稽古日報 05/09/10

Today it rained on and off and was quite humid. We hope there wasn't too much damage in the recent typhoon last week. Today there were 24 participants - 10 children and 14 adults. Training consisted of a warm-up and basics. Recently there hasn't been much time to practice basics but today we trained hard. It was quite tough in the heat. After that the Head Teacher announced the results of last weeks grading and spoke quite strictly about the gradings after which we took a short rest.
We then split into our different levels and trained hard, especially for the grading in autumn. Tsumori sensei was in charge of teaching the advanced children and adults, and Takahashi sensei who was watching from a distance gave advice to the students. Tsumori sensei, who was watching from a closer distance wants to give more similar advice in the future, and will have a go next week. The children then finished training at 7:30, with the advanced children finishing at 8. The adults continued to practice, with the members who are taking their 3rd dan in autumn receiving instruction from Takahashi sensei.
At 8 o clock Heather came in with Justin, who transferred to Osaka last year. Everyone was really pleased to see him after a year. He sat and watched while Heather received instruction from Takahashi sensei for the 2nd dan grading. We then finished with punching from kiba dachi stance.
審査合格おめでとう。 親子で一緒に稽古。さすがに身体の使い方がよく似ていますね。
Congratulations on passing your gradings! Father and son practicing together.
ミットに打ち込み。来年の大会には一緒に出場したいですね。 一年振りのジャスティン君。元気そうでなによりですね!
Practicing on the bag. Let's enter the tournament together next year. Justin returned after a year. He's looking well!

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