稽古日報 05/09/17

Today there were 21 participants, 12 children and 9 adults. Training started with a warm up, and anyone not doing the exercises properly were told off by the head teacher. We then took a short break, after which we split into our different levels, with the children being spilt into 4 different levels with respect to age and ability.
Training isn't competitive, but I would like them to train with more of a competitive attitude towards each other. The younger children finished at 7:30, with the older children finishing at 7:50.
The adults continued training, with the people who will take their 3rd dan grading receiving instruction from Takahashi sensei in kata (kanku-dai) and basics.After that was free practice, with the other members practicing jiyu ippon free sparring. We then finished by punching in kiba dachi stance and then chanting the dojo precepts.
少年部其の一。親御さんも一緒に稽古されてます。 少年部其の二。
One group of children, with the father also practicing too. The second group of children.
少年部其の参。この他の少年部は青年部と一緒に稽古しています。 青年部の自由一本組手。吉松先生は指導で大忙しですね。
The third group of children. The other group practiced with the adults. The adults practicing jiyu ippon, with Yoshimatsu sensei busy teaching.

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