稽古日報 05/11/26(前編)
今日の松江は曇り空で、時折雨も降る寒い一日でした。 本日の稽古内容は、本部より金澤館長と村上国際部長をお招きして、午前中は昇級・昇段審査を、午後からは指導をして頂きました(多流派の方達も参加されました)。 そうなんです!今日から明日にかけて、2年に一度の大イベント!金澤館長、村上国際部長をお招きしての審査・指導会が行われました!! 金澤館長、村上先生が武道館に到着されたのが午前10時40分頃。 挨拶の後、そのまま下の写真のとおり、審査の為に設置した審査員席に着席され我々の準備体操をご覧になられる両先生でしたが、両先生を背に、みんなの前に出て号令をかけている私は、審査が始まる前からえらく緊張するのでありました。他のみんなも同様に緊張している様子でした。 無事(?)準備体操も終わり、いよいよ昇級・昇段審査が始まりました。 審査は昇級・昇段を分けて行うことになり、まずは昇級審査から始まりました。 昇段審査を受けるのは、少年部2名、青年部は私を含め3名の合計5名。 審査終了で午前の部は終了。 昼食を終え、1時過ぎより午後の部開始。 まずは、金澤館長より礼儀作法を教わりました。 そして、村上先生の号令により準備体操。 準備体操のあとは、金澤館長のご指導による基本の稽古。 その後、2時10分から無級から5級(以下初級者)と4級から黒帯(以下上級者)の二組に分かれての稽古となりました。 続きは後編で! |
Today was an important day for us, with Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei coming from the Head dojo to watch our gradings in the morning, and hold a training session in the afternoon. (Practitioners from other styles also participated in the training.) This is by far our biggest event that only happens once every two years. Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei arrived at the Budokan at around 10:40 while we were part way through the warm-up, and we were introduced to both teachers by Takahashi Sensei, who with some other members of the Matsue branch had picked them up from Izumo airport. The two teachers then sat on the chairs that were prepared for them at the front and watched the warm-up. As you can imagine, just before the grading we were all very nervous. The warm-up ended without any mishap and the grading finally started, with the coloured belts and black belts split into two groups. The coloured belts took their gradings first. There were 3 children and 2 adults taking their grading and due to nerves there were a few slip-ups but with the help of Murakami Sensei's instructions they were able to show their ability and the results of their hard work. Next were the dan gradings, with 2 children and 3 adults trying for thier next belt. Throughout the grading there were a few places where some had to re-do certain moves or were asked to do things that they hadn't been practicing, but it finished, with those who hadn't done so much practice receiving a lot of instruction and those who had practiced getting a good score. Training started at 1pm after lunch. From the Matsue branch 9 children and 11 adults took part and from other groups 1 child and 4 adults, making a total of 25. First we were taught the correct way to bow by Kanazawa Sensei. He told us that each movement has a meaning and went into great detail about form and posture. Murakami Sensei then led us through the warm-up, and although we tried to copy him it was difficult. When you become a top karateka even the warm-up is different. After that we were led through the basics with Kanazawa Sensei. This was also great! Kanazawa Sensei's speed, power and focus were amazing. Training was centered on the basics for the children, but it was also very good practice for the adults too. After that, we split into two groups - beginners to 5 kyu level, and 4 kyu level and above. (Continued in part 2!) |
準備体操をご覧になる金澤館長と村上国際部長と緊張する松江支部の会員(写ってはいませんが、写真の右にもう一列青年部の列があります。) | 審査開始前の整列をしているところです。金澤館長、村上先生を前にみんな緊張しております。 | |||||||
Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei watching the warm-up. | Everyone looking nervous as they line up at the opening of the grading. | |||||||
いよいよ審査開始。画像が小さくて分かりにくいのですが、緊張しながらも真剣に課題をやっています。 | 緑帯の三名。審査する金澤館長、村上先生も真剣な眼差しで審査されています。 | |||||||
At last the grading has started. It's hard to see because the picture is small, but they are nervously trying their best. | The three green belts. Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei are watching very carefully. | |||||||
昇段の審査。参段の審査を受ける二人。不動立ち順突きでしょうか? | 弐段の審査で型を演武するヘザーさん。 | |||||||
The 3rd Dan grading. Fudodachi stance. | The 2nd Dan grading. Performing kata. | |||||||
無事審査は終了。一同緊張の時間が過ぎて、ほっと一息というところでしょうか。 | 金澤館長のご指導による基本の稽古。国によっては、一度に300人もの指導をされる金澤館長の指導を、25人で受ける我々は、もの凄い「シアワセモノ」ですね! | |||||||
The end of the grading. | Training with Kanazawa Sensei. In some countries there can be as many as 300 people in his class. The 25 of us were really happy to be training with him! |