稽古日報 05/11/26,27(後編)
さて、ここから後半です。 初級者は村上先生から、上級者は金澤館長からそれぞれご指導いただきました。 稽古内容は、初級者は身体の軸について説明を受けた後、基本を稽古。 途中休憩をはさみ次は移動稽古。 そして、最後の20分の指導を村上先生から金澤館長に交代して、引き続き、金澤館長から平安三段、平安四段をご指導いただきました。 3時間以上の長い稽古でしたのでみんな疲れたとは思いますが、初級者のみんなは、松江ではなかなか受ける事の出来ない一流の先生方の指導を受けることが出来て、かなり良い勉強になったと思います。 上級者の稽古内容は、最初に金澤館長のご指導により転身、体捌きを学びました。 「自由一本組手では、無駄な動きをせず(肘、膝、腰、呼吸を合わせる)に、相手の力を利用して(相手の攻撃を半分受け流し、残った半分に自分の少ない力を合わせて大きな力で)反撃をする」というところを、実演を交えながら詳細に解説して頂き、大変参考になりました。 上記内容の稽古終了後、金澤館長と村上先生が指導を交代し、村上先生からは高橋支部長のリクエストで、型「抜塞大」をご指導いただきました。 今日の稽古に参加された中には、糸東流の方もおられ、糸東流の方とSKIF松江支部の私、二人同時に号令に合わせて抜塞大を演武させ、同じ名前の型における流派の違い、類似点を交えながら各流派の型の起こりについての解説をして頂きました。かなり、興味深い内容で今後は他の流派の型を観るのも、今まで以上に楽しくなりそうです。 そして、終了時間になり稽古終了。 稽古の最後に金澤館長より全員にお話をして頂きましたが、中でも「型は自然との調和、宇宙との調和です。型の使い方を学ぶのも大切ですが、宇宙を漂うイメージしながら型を稽古してみて下さい。宇宙と一体になれます。イメージが大切です。」とのお話は個人的に強く心に残りました。 礼の後、全員整列し、本日の審査の結果が発表されました。 最後は全員で記念撮影。そして金澤館長、村上先生と有志で夜の部へ突入! 今夜の宿は、松本清張の小説「砂の器」の舞台にもなった、奧出雲の「亀だけ」にある温泉旅館「玉峰山荘」。 翌日は稽古は無く、金澤館長、村上先生にはゆっくりと奧出雲観光を楽しんでいただきました。 朝食の後、お約束(?)のサイン会があり、「奧出雲たたらと刀剣館」「絲原記念館」等を観光していただき、両先生方は16時35分出雲空港発の飛行機で東京へお帰りになられました。 あっという間の2日間でしたが、お見送りしたあと、「次は大山合宿かな・・・」などと、もう2年後の青写真を描く我々松江支部の面々でありました。 おしまい。 |
(Continued from Part 1.) The beginners class was taken by Murakami Sensei, while the higher level class was taken by Kanazawa Sensei. The lower level class training started with an explanation about pivoting, followed by basics, followed by application of the pivoting movements. This was a lot tougher than usual practice and it looked like some of the children needed a rest. Maybe we need to train harder in our usual practice sessions. They then continued with moving basics - age uke-gyakuzuki, soto uke-gyakuzuki, soto uke, shuto uke, maegeri etc. After the basics, they then received instruction in the katas Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan and Heian Sandan. For the last 20 minutes, Murakami Sensei and Kanazawa Sensei switched places and Kanazawa Sensei led them through Heain Sandan and Heian Yondan. Everyone was tired after three long hours of training, but it was a great experience for everyone, as they don't often have the chance to train with top class teachers such as Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei in Matsue. The higher level group received instruction in pivoting and circling from Kanazawa Sensei. We practiced Jiyu Ippon - Jodan oizuki, Chudan oizuki, Mae geri, Yoko geri, Mawashi geri No.1, No.2, Ushiro geri No. 2, No.3, and Jodan kizamizuki and Chudan gyakuzuki No. 1. Firstly, Sensei demonstrated these techniques and explained the movements, then we practiced ourselves, and then with a partner. We were taught that in Jiyu Ippon kumite we shouldn't make any uneccessary movements of the elbows, knees, and hips, and with correct breathing we should use the opponents power (use half to block his attack, and then combine the other half with a small amount of your own power) to counter. We recieved instruction as we trained and it was very very useful for us all. We were told that if we can understand this through kumite, it will be of use in our daily lives and even in business. Kumite is not merely a way to become strong through fighting, rather it's a means to grow as a human being. Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei then changed over, and at the request of Takahashi Sensei, Murakami Sensei led us through Bassai Dai. A Shito-ryu practitioner and Tsumori san from SKIF Matsue branch performed the kata simultaneously to the same count. The differences between the styles were then explained to us which we all found very interesting. Training then finished. It was a lot longer than ususal, but I think many people wanted to continue training. Kanazawa Sensei then spoke to us all, explaining that kata is harmony with nature, and harmony with the universe. It's important to learn how to use the kata, but when we perform the kata we should imagine we are floating in the universe and become united with it. Image is very important. This made a big impression on all of us. The results of the grading were then announced. Our names were called out and we recieved the evaluation of our gradings. Everyone passed! That night we all stayed in a ryokan in Kamedake, the place made famous by Matsumoto Seicho in his novel 'Suna no Utsuwa'. Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei who spend a lot of thier time teaching around the world entertained us with their stories of their trips. The next day no training was held, it was a day for Kanazawa Sensei and Murakami Sensei to go sightseeing. At breakfast we were all seated at 3 tables, but as soon as Kanazawa Sensei started talking, everyone gathered around his table so as not to miss a word. After breakfast Kanazawa Sensei signed his autograph for everyone and we then went to various local museums before the two teachers returned home at 16:35 from Izumo airport. After seeing the teachers off, we all started planning for the next visit in two years time. |
金澤館長ご指導による自由一本組手。 | 村上先生ご指導による基本の説明。 | |||
Kanazawa Sensei teaching us Jiyu Ippon kumite. | Murakami Sensei explaining the basics. | |||
村上先生ご指導による抜塞大の稽古。 | 金澤館長ご指導による平安三段。 | |||
Practicing Bassai Dai with Murakami Sensei. | Practicing Heian Sandan with Kanazawa Sensei. | |||
皆で記念撮影。お疲れ様でした! | 夜の部の一コマ。一人ずつ高橋支部長から両先生にご紹介して頂きました。 | |||
Commemorative photograph. Well done everyone! | In the evening, everyone recieved a personal introduction to the teachers from Takahashi Sensei. | |||
途中、地元工芸品の販売所に立ち寄り見学。この木彫りの龍の置物を大変氣に入られたご様子でしたが、この後あるドラマ(?)が・・・ | ||||
サイン会の一コマ。一枚一枚丁寧にサインされる金澤館長。本当に丁寧にサインしていただきました。感動!! | ||||
Kanazawa Sensei very carefully signed his autograph for us all. |
We dropped into a local craft shop. It looks like Sensei was really taken with the wooden dragon. | |||