稽古日報 06/01/07








Happy New Year! Today was a really cold and snowy day, and as there was no heating in the Budokan, it turned out to be a freezing cold first practice. Training in the cold were 7 children and 10 adults, and a new member which brought the total to 18. It looks like this year is going to be lucky; we have a new member join us, and also a request for a link came through (please take a look at the links page). Hopefully this is a sign that the year is going to be a good one.

Training consisted of a warm-up, basics and then a short rest. The vinyl tatami mats in the Budokan were so cold that the backs of our feet became really hard and it was very slippy, which made it hard to step. This was reflected in the childrens stances which were a little higher than usual. After a short break we then split into our different levels and the same as last year, I taught the green belts, the yellow belts and orange belts. As it has been a while since our last practice and because it was very cold, we practiced lightly, the children doing kihon ippon sparring and the kata 'Heian Yondan', and the adults doing 3 - step sparring.
The children finished at 19:40, and after a short meditation and bow, I had chance to talk to the children, one of whom said "Volleyball practice is harder than this!" I decided to become the monster teacher from next week. The adults continued, practicing kata and then competition karate. I was partenerd with Yoshimatsu Sensei, and although I did a good high kick, the floor was so slippy that I fell over. (What was I just saying about the monster teacher....)
We then finished by practicing 5 step sparring and punching from kiba dachi stance. It's going to ger colder in Jaunuary and February, but let's all try our best this year!
新規入会されました!ゆっくりで結構ですので、永く続けていきましょう。すぐに皆に追い付けます。 寺西指導員の指導による平安二段の稽古。今年は指導員も増えて、更に内容の濃い稽古が期待できそうです。
Our new member! Practicing slow at first is fine, but let's continue and try to catch up with the others. Teranishi Sensei teaching the kata 'Heian Nidan.' This year the number of teachers has increased so we can expect more content in our training.
平安五段の稽古。新年早々新しい型を教わり、頭の体操にもなったようです。 こちらも今日から始まった打ち込みの稽古。今年は何人の方が大会に参加されるのでしょうか?楽しみですね!
Practicing the kata 'Heain Godan.' Learning a new kata is good for the mind too. Practicing sparring. How many will enter the tournament this year I wonder?

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