稽古日報 06/01/21





Today the cold weather returned after a warm spell, and it looks set to get colder. We have to look after ourselves so we don't catch colds.

There were 19 of us training today - 8 children and 11 adults. Before practice I played 'tag' with the children (who were quite rough), and as the rules of the game are quite simple the children's personalities come out while they are playing the game, which is interesting to watch. The children had a good time, and as it's a fun game it might not be a bad idea for adults to play it from time to time. Thinking about it, adults seem to be playing a similar game. When social problems arise it looks like they are playing tag, (or hide and seek?). It doesn't seem to be a simple game like the children's one. But I digress......

Training consisted of a warm-up, basics, the presentation of the Dan grade certificates to those who passed last year, and bag work, followed by a short rest. I, who from this week is the 'monster' teacher, led the warm-up and basics. As today was rather cold it was necessary to do a longer warm-up, and as we also concentrated on correct stances it took quite a long time.

After a short rest we then split into our different levels, with me leading two of the children through basics and the kata 'Heian Yondan.' Two of the girls were punching rather softly in the basics practice, so I taught them how to punch so as to knock the opponent over. After kata practice the children finished training around 19:45.

The adults continued training, practicing tournament sparring techniques and individual kata. We then finished at 20:30. When it's so cold it's difficult to keep your body warm, but as you don't become so tired it's easy to practice for longer. We should take advantage of this and thoroughly master the basics!
新人さん。前蹴りの練習ですが、結構威力のある蹴りをされます。期待の新人です。 打ち込みの練習。ワン・ツーを練習している所ですね。
Our new student practicing the front kick. Although he's new, he has a powerful kick so we have good expectations of him. Practicing the 'one - two'.
昨年初段になった吉松君。大きな身体をどれだけ活かす事が出来るかが今後の課題でしょうか。 その吉松君、本部から証書が届いてニッコリ。笑顔が硬いのは無理矢理笑わせているからです。
Yoshimatsu kun, who passed Sho-dan last year. Making use of his size will be his challenge from now on. Yoshimatsu kun with his certificate from the head branch. He was forced to smile for this one.

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