稽古日報 06/02/04




この二つの横蹴りは、初心者の方はなかなか使い分けるのが難しいようですので、口頭での説明よりも実際に違いを身体で感じてもらおうと思い、金澤館長の本「六週間で強くなる!! 空手」の中に出てくる「床に寝ての練習」等を取り入れて説明したところ、みなさんある程度は理解して頂いたようです。さすがは金澤館長の本ですね!

Today was cold and snowy with a high of 3.3 and a low of -4.3 degrees. As there is no heating in the Budokan I wondered to myself if the training would be tough, but it was unexpectedly warm inside, and the tatami mats weren't so cold so it was comparatively pleasant.

There were 23 of us training today - 9 children, 12 adults, a new member and a person taking a trial lesson. Despite the cold everyone trained really hard and tried their best. It was quite a lively practice session with a new person joining and a person who had never done karate before giving it a go.

Training consisted of a warm up followed by a short rest. Continuing with this month's theme of trying to get the children to make more of an effort and concentrate, in the basics practice I led the class by standing in front of the children in question and giving instructions.
They did a lot better than usual, but just when I thought it was going well, they were distracted by some of the other children and I was left holding my head in my hands. I have to study more about the ways of children!
After a short rest we split into our different levels and continued to practice, with me and Teranishi san, Instructor, leading the adults and the children who are blue belt and above. Half-way through we split the adult yellow and orange belts apart from the main group and I taught them the difference between the side snap kick and the side thrust kick. It is hard for beginners to understand the differences between these two kicks, and rather than just explain the differences, it's easier for them to understand by actually feeling the differences by themselves. I took an example of practicing the kicks lying on the floor from Kanazawa Sensei's book 'Roku shukan de tsuyokunaru! Karate' and everyone seemed to get the hang of it to a certain extent.
The children then finished at 19:40, while the adults continued practicing kata and sparring. We then finished by practicing 5 step sparring (chudan) and punching from kiba dachi stance.
青年部型の稽古。平安五段です。前屈立ちから後屈立ちに変化するところですね。 平安二段です。前屈立ちでの猿臂ですね。この動作は多くの型に出てきますので、しっかりマスターしましょう。
Practicing Heian Godan. The change from front stance to back stance. Practicing Heian Yondan. This elbow strike in front stance appears in many katas.
インフルエンザから生還された(?)青木さん。とりあえず軽く稽古をして身体を慣らしましょう。 型練習中のヘザーさん。最近は大会が氣になっているようです。今年はいよいよ大会デビューかな?
Aoki san, who is suffering from the 'flu. Heather practicing kata.

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