稽古日報 06/03/11






Today there were 29 participants - 17 children and 12 adults. Recently the numbers have been small. but there are times when a lot of people train like today. We started with a bow, a warm-up and basics before a short rest. The five children who joined last week trained very seriously, and as such are quite good considering they have only just started. As they are not used to the movements in karate of moving both arms and legs at the same time, some were confused, but it will get easier with practice.
After the break, three of the adults took their grading and the others practiced in their different levels, which were the five new children, the white and yellow belts, the green belts, and the other children and adults. I was helping Takahashi sensei with the grading, and all three seemed quite nervous. I was also a little nervous, because if they were not so good it would be a reflection on us, the instructors. All three passed with flying colours! However, there were a few points that needed to be improved on, especially kicking techniques, and they received instruction on these points from Takahashi sensei. I was also given advice on how to practice kicking techniques, which I intend to use in the future. Congratulations to you all on passing your grading!
The children finished at 19:40, and continuing from last week, the black belts were taught the details of the training course at the Headquarters in Tokyo by Takahashi sensei. Today we did Kihon Ippon Jodan Nos. 1 - 5, but focused especially on No.2, No.3 and No.5. As it is Kihon Kumite, it is not just a case of doing the techniques, but practicing with your opponent until the final bow. Kumite is not just about getting stronger, there is also an element of dscipline and respect, which I would like to pass on to the children who are not used to doing kumite.
We then finished with chudan punches in kiba dachi stance. It looks like it will get colder from tomorrow onwards, so we should take care of ourselves.
少年部の新入りさん達です。みんな真面目に稽古していますので、すぐに上達しそうです。 少年部の白・黄帯です。ふざけながら稽古していると、新入りさん達に追い越されちゃうぞ!
The new children practicing earnestly. They look like they will improve very quickly. The white and yellow belts. If you don't concentrate, the new children will overtake you!
少年部緑帯2人の移動稽古。もっとお腹から力を出すと良いかもしれません。 その他の少年部と青年部の皆さんの移動稽古。
The two green belts practicing. Everyone else practicing.

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