稽古日報 06/07/01






Today was typical of the rainy season with the rain stopping and starting, but even in the rain, Matsue can look nice. Heavy rain is something else however...

Today there were 27 of us - 15 children and 12 adults. We started with a warm up, basics, and then Takahashi sensei handed out the belts and certificates to the people who had passed their grading.

After a short rest we then split into our different levels, and I was in charge of the yellow belt and above children and adults. Rather than having everyone do the same practice, with the next grading in mind we split into 3 groups and Takahashi sensei. Teranishi, instructor and myself taught.
Thanks to this, everyone was able to practice according to their grade. However, as there are sometimes not enough instructors, I doubt we will be able to do this every week.The children then finished at 19:40.

The adults and the children who wanted to stay continued training. I taught the child and the white belt, while everyone else did their own training or practiced kumite for the competition, or footwork. We then finished with punching from kiba dachi stance.

Today was quite humid, but it will get worse from now on. It's important to take regular breaks and drink lots of fluid. Not taking in enough fluid and then drinking beer after training can be quite dangerous, so we have to be careful. (The voice of experience...)
稽古前の風景。遊び程度でしたが、ミットを突いたり、蹴ったりしていました。 平安初段の稽古。初めての型は教える方も、習う方も大変ですね。
Before training - kicking and punching the bag whilst playing. Heian Shodan. At first it is difficult for the ones teaching as well as learning the kata.
茶帯の皆さんの自由一本組手の稽古。 大会出場に向けて組手の特訓。中学生の吉松君も参加するようですので、大会には松江支部からは二名参加となります。がんばれ!
Practicing for the competition. It looks like Yoshimatsu kun will also enter, so that is two from Matsue. Good luck!
The brown belts practicing Jiyu Ippon kumite.

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